About Me

Telluride, CO

My Story

My dad had a minor stroke when I was in high school. He was driving me home from a friend’s house while trying to tell me about the Bears game that he had just watched. But the words weren’t coming out right. We made it home safely, and my mom whisked him off to the hospital where he received treatment that preserved his life, and his quality of life. I remember hearing the details from his doctor through my mom, and straining to use my AP Biology knowledge to understand what was happening. The feeling of knowing something relevant during a medical crisis was my first taste of a healthcare “moment.” It is the moment that happens when you realize that you can help someone with what you know and what you can do. I was intoxicated by this feeling, and started looking for more.

I went to Northeastern University to study Physical Therapy, in pursuit of more “moments” like the one that I had with my Dad. I had the privilege of learning under incredibly competent and caring professors. I was trained by top class physical therapists at Spaulding Rehabilitation Hospital on the spinal cord injury floor, outpatient therapists at Cambridge Health Alliance, Emerson hospital, and finally ATI, where I first practiced as a licensed physical therapist. Along the way, I went with my capstone group to Ecuador to bring assistive technology to For His Children Orphanage that serves children of various ability levels. Since graduating in 2018, I have been integrating myself into the Cambridge community as a health care provider by working with runners, student athletes from MIT, some amazing adaptive athletes, and weekend warriors, in addition to collaborating with other health care providers from MIT medical and their excellent Athletic Training staff.


There are so many! I love learning new things. The top five are probably cooking, skiing, cycling, hiking, and listening to Malcolm Gladwell talk to me about something I didn't know I cared about. The picture above is from a ski trip to Telluride a few years ago, and ever since I've been itching to get back! Although I have a lot of love for East Coast skiing, and I have a not so secret dream of being a contract PT for the winter in the Northeast so that I can ski to my hearts content.